Miscellaneous Training Tips
and Information
This page includes information about separation anxiety, training for the special needs dog (blind, deaf, or both), digging, barking, behavior at the door when guests arrive, dogs and cats living together, as well as other training Q&A’s.
Separation Anxiety
Most importantly, you must know if your dog really is suffering from separation anxiety – or not. Read the following 2 articles for how to know for sure:
SA is a workable problem, but there are no "quick fix" solutions:
A Conversation About Separation Anxiety
Prevention is key! Follow the advice in this article; https://www.animalhumanesociety.org/training/ill-be-back-really-preventing-separation-anxiety and teach your new dog or puppy to be comfortable home alone!
Here's the link to a great booklet on how to help your dog learn to relax while being alone (also a great way to prevent a problem from developing; I'll Be Home Soon
Training for the Special Needs Dog
Training your deaf dog: http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/pets/dog-training/living-with-a-deaf-dog
Click Deaf Dog Education Action Fund for more!
Check out the Facebook page; Clicker Training For Deaf Dogs
Dog's engage in this behavior for many reasons! Click https://paws4udogs.wordpress.com/2017/09/13/what-to-do-if-your-dog-digs/ to read an excellent article on this subject.
Apartment living: How to overcome a barking problem
How to Get Your Dog to Stop Barking
Barking and Citronella Collars
Click out to: Dangers of Electronic Training Devices
Methods Matter. Click here to read about the dangers of attempting "quick fix" solutions.
Citronella collars are dangerous to your dog’s physical health, and they can easily create fear-based problems; http://awesomedogs.wordpress.com/2013/08/05/citronella-collars-may-contain-pesticides-booze-and-refrigeration-coolant/
Behavior at the Door - Help!
Transform your dog's behavior when guests arrive
Clicker training calm visitor-to-your-home greeting behavior. This video demonstrates how to use proper management to prevent unwanted behavior, and how to "capture" calmer, more appropriate behavior instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrbA7cyp6K4
A terrific article including a step by step training plan! http://www.clickertraining.com/node/1208?source=mnl_01_1113
A training tutorial from Kikopup to stop your dog barking at the door; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpzvqN9JNUA
Dogs and Cats Living Together
Click here for all of our articles on Dogs and cats living together:
Cats & Dogs Living Together Tips
Be sure to check out these great articles too, for awesome advice on how to train your dog to relax around your cat!
Miscellaneous Training Tips and Q&A:
Fourth of July and Fireworks safety tips
Training a "hyper" dog to calm down
How to Recognize a Good Breeder
How to Choose a Boarding Facility
The Dog That Won't Stay Outside
The Dog That Won't Come Inside
My dog steals my unmentionables
Training Your Dog to Hunt in the Field?
Through a Dog's Eyes
Ever wonder what the world looks like through your dog's eyes? Click on the link below to read an article on the difference between a humans' vision and that of a dog...very interesting indeed! Enjoy! https://www.improveeyesighthq.com/dog-vision.html
Should I Let My Dog Sleep in my Bed?
How Do I Keep My Hardwood Floors Safe From Dog Nails?
Trainer and Dog Spread Joy and Hope
Michigan Dog-Friendly Destinations